Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Question 3

3. Why worry?

These two words, considered sincerely, can radically reconfigure the landscape of your mind. Worry rarely leads to positive action; it's just painful, useless fear about hypothetical events, which scuttles happiness rather than ensuring it. Some psychologists say that by focusing on gratitude, we can shut down the part of the brain that worries. It actually works!

I completely agree with this one! One of the major thoughts that got me through my two years as a school administrator was “If my Matt, Maddy, or Peyton are not in immediate danger, then the issue is not important and it can be handled.” Another one was “An emergency on your part does not constitute and emergency on my part.” Everything can be handled, one way or another and with a support system in place any decision that you make will not matter or change their support of you therefore why worry?

In addition, it is all about perspective. When a situation arises in which you feel worry or stress simply take a breath, analyze the situation, look at the big picture, and then react or solve the issue at hand. If you are able to have this outlook and attitude it is easier for those around you to adopt it as well. Your calming nature can be contagious.

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