Sunday, August 15, 2010


With our daughter's diagnosis of ADD, we have chosen to try medication (along with other behavior modifications). First was Adderal. Boy we did not like that. She was an emotional wreck as she came off of the meds, which for her poor preschool teachers meant the last 20 minutes of school.

Then we tried Ritalin. It was working well. The teachers had great things to say about her progress at school and we noticed she seemed at peace almost. It was as if she could slow down enough to enjoy what she was doing and what was around her.

As the summer has progressed though, Ritalin is not cutting it. She is more agitated and emotional when coming off of it. And honestly, I don't notice a difference in any other areas.

What are others experiences with meds? I would love to have some feedback before we take her to a new pediatrician (since we moved across the country from the best Doctor in the world!).

I know some may not agree with medication and we did not put her on it hoping the ADD would "go away". Her life is very organized, routine - to a point, and she knows right from wrong and handles punishments (mostly natural consequences) as well as the next 5 year old. She just needs something else. Again, it is that moment that I can see she is engaged in the world around her because she has slowed down to enjoy it.


  1. Hi, Tracy! Glad you survived the move! I am desperately behind on blogging so, you are inspiring me to get moving on ours! We use listening therapy for Allie. It really helps with calming things down for her. The website to purchase the program is She listens for 1/2 hour 5 days per week. We use all of the CD's except 9,10 which seem to aggravate the ADHD. You'll have to check into it and see if it would be a good fit for M. Good luck and keep in touch!

  2. Thank you! You had mentioned that back in May and I forgot about it completely. We will have to investigate.

  3. I am really impressed that you blog. I WISH I would but I just cant handle anything else in my life I guess. I have a 10.5 year old son with Autism and we have never done meds and I did force the issue of having him in a regular ed class...he always has been preschool/kindergarten were a NIGHTMARE though to be fair. First grade he did a lot better because they finally gave him a full time aid. He still has one even though its not officially in his IEP. My son, Alex, is in 5th grade this year. Over the last couple months I've started thinking about meds for him for the first time. If we dont get HIM some we will need ot get ME some to cope with him...ok, that was suppose to be kinda funny and serious at the same time...hope it wasnt offensive. I really need to find a good doctor for him!!! this is my challenge. He hates school because of the writing/reading and school in general causes him so much a mommy IM hurting for him and It's time to find more help for him ie-MEDS and I KNOW I will get lots and lots of flack from people for it too. It's good to find you again. :)
    Jessica (Vanier) Partridge

  4. People will always have their opinions about meds, you have to do what you know is best for your child and for you. My suggestions from dealing with them with Sean, dont let them talk you into Tennex, its supposed to help deal with the hyperactivity and will sometimes be added to other meds, with Sean though it made him a monster and for the first 3 hours or so after he took it he was a walking zombie. He has been on Concerta for the last year a a half, we did have to up his dose after the first 6 months or so (which is normal) but he has been fine. I like that it doesnt completely change him. It helps him to have the ability to focus when he needs to, but still allows him to be himself. Its something to look into. They put him on it because its in the same Ritalin and Aderal family, but its one of the lower dose meds and has the lower side effects. I know this is a little late and I dont know if you have already taken her in or not, just thought that I would throw that out there. Its also a meds that wears off after 8 hours or so and doesnt stay in their system, so if you decide that you dont want her to have it on the weekends its no biggie and if you do thats great too. We find with Sean if we give it to him around 7 in the morning it will kick in within 45 minutes or so and it lasts until about 3:30 or 4 so he makes it through the school day just fine. Theres my 2 cents. Glad to hear that you are adjusting well. Talk to you soon.

  5. P.S. the only real side effect that we have noticed is that it does have an appetite supressent in it, so he is not as hungry during the day, but when it wears off in the afternoon he could eat me out of house and home and we have to monitor how much he eats in the evening so he doesnt make himself sick.
