Monday, August 30, 2010


No, not the Carly Simon song, it is the anticipation that comes when school begins. For us, it is kindergarten. I cannot even believe that our daughter will be starting kindergarten next Tuesday. She was in preschool for 2 years so I know she is ready academically, it's everything else that I have anxiety over; Will she make friends? Will she eat her lunch? Will she be left out? Will her teacher understand her quirkiness? Will she remember to use an "inside voice"? Will she be happy? I guess only time will tell, but this next week is going to be tough! I think more for me.

My biggest concern is relationships for her. With ADD, she tends to be too loud, in others' space, overbearing (only at times)and unfocused. Of course we will put her on meds (she has an appointment on September 15th to try something new), but will that be enough? My only wish is that she is accepted; by her teacher and peers.

Perhaps I should stop worrying so darn much and just enjoy this last week!


  1. That is quite amazing that she's going to be in kindergarten! Where on earth does the time go? I can certainly understand your concerns, being a worrier myself, and I can foresee having similar misgivings in a few years. Maddy is a friendly little girl and I'll bet she'll make friends very quickly. Little people do not censor themselves, so perhaps it will help reinforce what you have tried to teacher her about boundaries, etc. when she is hearing it from other kids. That being said, "hearing it from other kids" can be hard and even hurtful, depending on the delivery, but those are things kids have to learn how to deal with even if we as parents want to spare them that pain. No matter what, Maddy has such a loving mommy and daddy at home that she knows she will always be loved and accepted there. This is what will have prepared her best for the adventure ahead. Go Team Leonard and go Maddy!

  2. At a playground recently, Maddy was tagging along with 2 older boys. They finally turned to her and said "we don't want to play with you". That hurt! I understand exactly what they were going through. So we talked about it and next time we went we asked what she would do if someone didn't want to play with her and she said "I will find another friend". It settled my heart to hear her say that.

    Thanks for the encouragment Jen.

  3. Ugh, little kids. These are the things I am not looking forward to about my kids interacting with others. Sounds like Maddy is a resilient little girl! This will serve her very well.
